ILP Inmobiliaria La Palma
We are a small and flexible team of professionals with more than 30 years of experience in the real estate sector. We will be happy to assist you in English, Spanish, German, French and Portuguese.

Data protection law
ILP Leo Bohnke S.L.U. respects the confidentiality of your data. In compliance with the Basic Law on the Protection of Personal Data, Basic Law 15/1999, and Royal Decree 1720/2007, we hereby inform you that when you contact us by telematic means, your data will be entered in a file that is property of ILP Leo Bohnke S.L.U., with Tax Identification Code B76634864.
For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy:
Privacy PolicyIf you wish to exercise your rights to Access, Correction, Deletion, or Objection, you may send an e-mail to this effect together with valid proof of your identity – such as your identity card - listing “A.R.C.O.” as the subject, to our electronic mail address:
Kind of order / fee
We act for and between buyers and vendors of properties.
Commission is required if a contract is realized either directly through us or through negotiation, also at any extended date. We are also due commission if because of our activities the two parties start direct negotiations.
Contract-conditions for the vendors
The agreed sales-conditions are part of our commission. If the property is not for sale any more what whatever reasons, our estate-agency has to be informed immediately.
Sale of properties or business-locations:
3 % of the official price (minimum 1.800,- Euros) + I.G.I.C. (7 %, Canarian V.A.T.)
As soon as a pre-contract is signed by all parties:
2/3 of the commission has to be paid, the remaining 1/3 has to be paid after signature at the notary's office.
Business-conditions for the buyers
The inquiry of the interested buyer is part of our business. If the inquiry changes we have to be informed. All offers are based on the information from the vendors. If a client intends to buy a property then our agency will care for and prepare all documents which are needed until all signatures at the notary's office have been realized.
Negotiation of properties or business-locations including the transfer of the property:
3 % of the official price (minimum 1.800,- Euros) + I.G.I.C. (7 %, Canarian V.A.T.)
As soon as a pre-contract is signed by all parties:
2/3 of the commission has to be paid, the remaining 1/3 has to be paid after signature at the notary's office.
Costs and commissions by property purchase
If you intend to buy a house or a plot of land you should ask an estate agent for help. Only this way guarantees you a professional transfer of title of the property and can save you against the expensive mistakes which can appear from unawareness of the legal situation and the different tax and fees payments. You certainly will save money at the end.
You have to take into account that on top of the price there will be costs of about 10 to 11 % of the official price of the property.
The costs are as follows:
Property purchase tax:
It will be 6,5 % of the registered price of the property.
If you intend to buy a new house through a building company you pay I.G.I.C. (7 % canarian VAT) to the builder. In this case, the purchase tax is 1 % of the registered price instead of 6,5 %.
Fee for the registration at the property register office.
Fee for the change at the municipality office.
Charges at the notary office.
Commission for the real estate office (similar for the most real estate offices):
3 %, (minimum 1.800.-€) plus I.G.I.C. (7 %, canary VAT) (see Business-conditions for the buyers). As soon as a pre-contract is signed, the buyer pays 2/3 of the commission, the last 1/3 at the signature at the notary office.